In last twenty years, I have seen design teams investing in PSD to HTML, and later to a variety of libraries, extensions, and tools to ensure that designs are pixel perfect.
In every product team where I am involved after the development starts, I have a hundred percent record of getting a lot of design to be redone.
If you hire me as for UX or for content driven design, and the design has started…. be prepared to redo eighty percent of the stuff. I have a hundred percent success rate to get the design redone. #UXdesign #products #design
— Vinish Garg 🎗 (@vingar) October 8, 2018
This is because many pixel-perfect designs are done without an eye on how the users will interact for their expected goals.
Within five minutes of my day one with the team, my question is—“How will you add some instruction or text in this design to ensure that users understand what they see, what they should do, and whether they should take the next step, and the whys and hows.”
For example, in the following two cases.
A Dashboard

Add coupon

These are two perfect examples of poor customer onboarding, and then they wonder why the churn rate goes high even after a good conversion.
Will the pixel-perfect design help here? I would rather invest in a pixel-assured design that adapts itself for the content. For the content that we have ready before the design, and the content that we can envision as the product scales.
"pixel-assured" before "pixel-perfect".
— Vinish Garg 🎗 (@vingar) July 3, 2019
Any device, any time, in any context. Think about it.
Can you be "pixel-assured" without right content?
Product teams!! – content-first please!
The lines of #code you rewrite, review, ignore, archive… you can avoid it.#UX #design #UI
Pixel assured is more important than pixel-perfect. And you cannot be pixel-assured without right content.